Mr. Likith YP won Bronze Medal in the Skill of Prototype Modelling WorldSkills Competition 2022

“IndiaSkills 2021
“IndiaSkills 2021
“IndiaSkills 2021Mr. Likith YP

Mr. Likith YP won Bronze Medal in the Skill of Prototype Modelling at the WorldSkills Competition 2022 (WSC2022). Likith has completed his diploma in Mechatronics from Toyata Technical Training Institute and was under training for this competition since January 2022. He has also won India’s National Skill Competition “IndiaSkills 2021” in Prototype Modelling Skill. He has been trained by Toyota India Expert Mr. Bhaskar Singh, who is also a Chief Expert in Prototype Modelling Skill at WorldSkills International platform.

WorldSkills Competition is an international competition of skilled youth between member countries of WorldSkills International. Earlier WorldSkills Competition was scheduled to take place in Shanghai but due to covid outbreak over there, it got shifted to 15 countries to be conducted over the span of 2 months. Competition of Prototype Modelling Skill was the beginning of WSC2022 in phase 1. Phase 1 of WSC 2022 took place in Bern, Switzerland from 7-10 September 2022.

WorldSkills India of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) under the aegis of Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) is the implementing body for conducting skill competitions in India and training of youth to represent country in International Skill Competitions

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