A Mother got her child : A Victory for Dr. Bharat Vatwani

A Mother got her child : A Victory for Dr. Bharat Vatwani

A Mother got her child : A Victory for Dr. Bharat Vatwani

15th December, 2020 : Mumbai

A success story of a Mother, Madhavi who finally got the custody of her child from the grips of Foster Parents.  She has been pinning for her 2 year old son since the time she recovered from her mental illness. Madhavi was found at Borivali Railway Station on 16th September, 2019 with her newborn baby but was then referred by Police to Shraddha Rehabilitation Centre for getting proper treatment for her illness. She was being treated there by Dr. Bharat Vatwani, who is known for his pioneering work in treating mentally ill destitutes.

Meanwhile, her newborn child was handed over to Child Welfare Committee (CWC), Mumbai which was then placed to Foster Caring. Due to Covid-19 Pandemic, many countries including India got lockdown and this resulted in a One Year Separation between a mother and her child. Also the Foster Family got emotionally engaged with the child, thus refusing to give back the child.

Hard time passes by, and yesterday 14th December,2020 was the day when she finally got the custody of her child after the hearing held at CWC, Mumbai. A big victory for Shraddha Foundation and the mother who was overjoyed to see her kid.

"There are many people in society who are cynical and skeptical on these issues…

But this biological mother has been with us for 15 months… Long enough for us to have identified and attached to her emotional pain… When the world around you crumbles, you need a loving personal hand to reach out . And in her case, it was her child. She needed to be reunited to her child… So her struggle, became our struggle, and with all of you joining in, at some point in time, it became our common struggle… A wave of emotion finally multiplied a thousand fold to ultimately become a sea of support… 

Dr. Bharat Vatwani, Ramon Magsaysay Award Winner – 2018
Courtesy : Shraddha Rehabilitation Foundation

And the biological mother got reunited with her child yesterday late evening. A mother's plea found it's passage into the Heavens…

Friends, your immense, IMMENSE encouragement all throughout the journey made this possible…Thank you for being there… Truly and Eternally grateful…" Said Dr. Bharat Vatwani.

"Madhavi had undergone Medical and Physical fitness assessment from 9th to 12th December 2020, and then she has received the Fitness Certificate. Hence, she is absolutely fine to take care of her child.

I would personally travel once every month to get a follow up of both the mother and child to their native place.Also we at Shraddha Foundation will provide Medicine's free of cost to her. We also have received a Huge hearted Donor who will be providing Rs.6000/- per month for next 3 year's. The Donor has already given 12 PDC to the Mother's Father.

Farzana Ansari , Social Worker at Shraddha Rehabilitation Foundation

I have seen her for the past 1 year since beginning from Day 1, fighting with her illness and then after Recovery her struggle for getting her child back from foster family. There came a moment when she(Madhavi) was loosing hope of getting her child back but Dr. Vatwani Sir as he does with every patient at Shraddha Rehabilitation Centre, stood Strong and helped her in every way.

It was not an easy task but we knew that God is with us and truth always wins and with the support that we received from other people, this Reunion was also possible." Said Farzana Ansari (Social worker at Shraddha Rehabilitation Centre).

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